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ItN Nanovation AG: ItN develops a new filtration technology for arsenic removal from drinking water

Saarbrücken, 24 March 2017 (pta011/24.03.2017/10:19 UTC+1)

*Arsenic removal by ItN membranes more effective than reverse osmosis
*Effectiveness of the new technology proved
*Sales focus in Iran, India and the USA

ItN Nanovation AG (ISIN DE000A0JL461) has successfully developed its previous technology for radium removal which is now also able to remove arsenic from surface water und has proven its effectiveness.

Arsenic is a cytotoxin which already acts lethally in a small dose. It can be found in well- and surface water. The countries especially affected are India, Iran and the USA. So, these countries will also be in the sales focus of ItN in close cooperation with its main shareholder SafBon.

The new ItN technology is not only more effective than the previously used reverse osmosis but can also be offered at a favourable price. Furthermore, it can be used in large-scale plant as well as in containers.

For India and Iran, partners have already been found. The sales in the USA is being established. ItN expects its first turnover already in the first half of 2018.

ItN Nanovation AG

The Management Board


Emitter: ItN Nanovation AG
Untertürkheimer Straße 25
66117 Saarbrücken
Contact Person: Lutz Bungeroth
Phone: +49 681 5001-460
ISIN(s): DE000A0JL461 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Regulated Market in Frankfurt; Free Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Munich, Tradegate